Mona Eltahawy I was 15 when my family moved to Jidda from Britain in 1982. Living in Saudi Arabia was such a shock to my system that I like to say I was traumatized into feminism. – Mona Eltahawy Arabia Quotes Britain Quotes Family Quotes Feminism Quotes Jidda Quotes Living Quotes Moved Quotes Saudi Quotes Shock Quotes Traumatized Quotes I’m a survivor. I’m a messenger. Selling out Saudi women is an old-established tradition.
Drake Bell I have met so many of my idols – like Ray Charles, Brian Setzer – all these cats that are legendary musicians. If they had said to me, ‘Hey man, I’m busy,’ it would have crushed my soul. – Drake Bell
George Lois Look at the news stand, you know? I mean, it’s a cacophony of famous people or people who want to be famous with blurbs all around it, and it’s supposed to be, you know, that’s supposed to be creativity in journalism. My God, it’s unbelievable. It’s shocking. – George Lois
Jonathan Raban I’ve taught the better class of tourist both to see and not to see; to lift their eyes above and beyond the inessentials, and thrill to our western Nature in her majesty. – Jonathan Raban
FunnyRichard Dawkins By all means let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out. – Richard Dawkins
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