J Cole I was a class clown. At 12, I was definitely clowning. I was making all the jokes. But I was smart, so the teachers didn’t know what to do with me. – J Cole Class Quotes Clown Quotes Clowning Quotes Jokes Quotes Smart Quotes Teachers Quotes I’m a super-duper over-analyzer. You mix that with self-doubt and pressure, and that’s never healthy. As much as it might look like, to someone else, that I’m successful, I never feel like I’m anywhere. The further I go, I still feel equally further from my eventual goal. Because as I grow, I get more goals. I’m never content.
Om Malik I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog. – Om Malik
Joe Bonamassa There’s a certain thing when you start getting into your late thirties or early forties where you stop caring. Not to the extent where you stop caring about the music, you just stop caring about what anyone thinks of you, and you just kind of let it go – let the chips fall where they may. – Joe Bonamassa
Luca Guadagnino I come from a petit bourgeois family, and I’ve always been drawn to artists and people who choose their own way of life instead of being chosen by the lives that people want for them. – Luca Guadagnino
Eric SchmidtScience The rise of Google, the rise of Facebook, the rise of Apple, I think are proof that there is a place for computer science as something that solves problems that people face every day. – Eric Schmidt
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