David Cone I was a professional baseball player from the time I was drafted out of high school in 1981 until the time I retired in 2003. – David Cone Baseball Quotes Drafted Quotes Player Quotes Professional Quotes Retired Quotes School Quotes Time Quotes With one decision, Judge Sotomayor changed the entire dispute. Her ruling rescued the 1995 baseball season and forced the parties to resume real negotiations. It really gets into your system. All baseball players have this internal clock around February when it starts to kick in and the juices start to flow. I think underestimated how much I was going to miss it.
HealthZeynep Tufekci The outdoors, exercise, sunshine, and fresh air are all good for people’s immune systems and health, and not so great for viruses. – Zeynep Tufekci
Ana de Armas I’m ambitious in a good way. I’ve never wanted to settle as long as I’ve thought there’s more. – Ana de Armas
Mick Cornett Any urbanist has to appreciate New York City and the way it works. The public transit is astonishing. – Mick Cornett
Sophie Marceau I think I’m a tough person, but for sure, I would talk under torture. – Sophie Marceau
David Gilmour It’s a very tempting thing to try and relive your glory days when you get a little older and you worry that people have forgotten all about you. – David Gilmour
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