Hardwell I was a warm-up DJ for many years so I know how to build a crowd, what record goes with the next, it’s all about understanding the dance floor and how the energy and flow should go coordinating to what the crowd want or might need. – Hardwell Build Quotes Coordinating Quotes Crowd Quotes Dance Quotes Energy Quotes Floor Quotes Flow Quotes Record Quotes Understanding Quotes Warmup Quotes Make music from your heart, even if it’s experimental or not really common, try it out, it can only get you more recognized. Dance music has no gender, class or creeds.
Jean de La Fontaine Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish. – Jean de La Fontaine
Jimmy Connors With everything else that would swirl around me when I got involved in it, tennis was my main concern. – Jimmy Connors
Gore Verbinski On a live-action movie, things happen that are unexpected. In animation, you have to fabricate the feeling. That takes a tremendous amount of nuance until the film becomes sentient and gives back. – Gore Verbinski
Julian Castro Technology has transformed how we live, learn and work, but not everyone has been able to participate in these developments. – Julian Castro
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