Lee Daniels I was always intrigued with European cinema, and hated most American cinema. I didn’t like the one, two, three – boom! style, with a neat and tidy ending. That was never my scene. – Lee Daniels American Quotes Boom Quotes Cinema Quotes European Quotes Hated Quotes Intrigued Quotes Neat Quotes Scene Quotes Style Quotes Tidy Quotes When people don’t like the film, I can take a bullet. I don’t mind you talking about me, but I’m protective of my actors, because they bared their soul for me. When I make movies, I don’t ever go out there to please anyone other than myself. I never try to make a film for the masses. I just try to tell my story.
Luis Suarez Of course I don’t like the fact that my wife goes to the supermarket and there are photographers. But I realise that the press attention is the same wherever you go. – Luis Suarez
Lisa BlattWomen Every woman who has left and gone into private practice has done fabulously. So the question is why aren’t more women drawn to this field? It’s helpful to enjoy the art of advocacy – verbal combat or verbal jousting. I find it telling that so many woman might be horrified, and you know, wouldn’t want to do it. – Lisa Blatt
Andre IguodalaFunnyTechnology JaVale McGee is one of the smartest guys I know. Like, he’s a nerd, plays with gadgets, and is into technology. He’s funny – he’s got crazy jokes, and his timing with jokes is really funny. You have to be really smart to think the way he does. – Andre Iguodala
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