Monica Vitti I was an anguished little girl with just one wish: to become an actor. I debuted in live theater at 14 with Dario Niccodemi’s ‘La Nemica.’ – Monica Vitti Actor Quotes Anguished Quotes Dario Quotes Debuted Quotes Girl Quotes Live Quotes Nemica Quotes Niccodemis Quotes Theater Quotes I adore gelato; it’s a pleasure I shared for years with my friend Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I’m lively and gay by nature.
Ben Domenech One of the differences between what happens when an author and a gossip columnist sit down to write a book is that the former tends to make every effort at disguising and protecting their sources, while the latter doesn’t particularly care. – Ben Domenech
Paul Craig Roberts The office of U.S. Trade Representative was created in order to permit corporations to write law that serves only their interests. – Paul Craig Roberts
Griffin Dunne But I remember feeling as a producer I felt like the guy who called the caterer and got the band; I had to work the party while everybody else was having a good time. – Griffin Dunne
Lou HoltzSports I look at athletes in all sports and try to picture what kind of football player they’d be, what position they’d play and so on. – Lou Holtz
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