Margaret Anderson I was as repelled by the French as I was attracted by their country. – Margaret Anderson Attracted Quotes Country Quotes French Quotes Repelled Quotes I defied nothing at all. I ignored the law because I didn’t know it existed. It didn’t occur to me that anyone would want to curb my inspiration. My greatest enemy is reality. I have fought it successfully for thirty years.
Erin McKean If anything is guaranteed to annoy a lexicographer, it is the journalistic habit of starting a story with a dictionary definition. – Erin McKean
Kathy BurkeSympathy From a very young age I’d learned to put on a brave face because of losing my mum. I’d always make jokes if anybody tried to throw sympathy at me. – Kathy Burke
FamousSasha Banks We don’t feel like we’re famous. We just feel like we’re doing what we love. – Sasha Banks
Alexis DenisofEducation I moved to Seattle when I was two or three years old. Had my early education there, and would spend summers on the farm in Maryland. Then I went to boarding school in New Hampshire, to St. Paul’s School. From there, I moved to London. – Alexis Denisof
Jennifer Armintrout It’s far easier to brush off death if the death in question seems impossible or improbable as a personal threat. – Jennifer Armintrout
Bonnie Langford I’m a deeply boring person in real life; I don’t do any drinking and going out until four in the morning. I’ll usually head straight home for a cup of tea. – Bonnie Langford
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