Joe R Lansdale I was born in the ’50s – 1951. So I grew up during that part of the ’50s when everything was supposed to be at its best in America, they claimed, and then eased into the ’60s. – Joe R Lansdale America Quotes Born Quotes Claimed Quotes Eased Quotes Grew Quotes Supposed Quotes I never felt poor. Our family euphemism was that we were broke, which I think psychologically gave you a different feeling. There were people far worse than we were. I always disliked that anytime you had gays represented in – and there were some exceptions, certainly – but represented in popular fiction, they were usually the goofy neighbor next door, you know? And I just thought, ‘Well, I know a lot of gay people, and they’re just as varied as the heterosexual people I know.’
CoolEmilio Estevez If only media people would stop reaching for the low-hanging fruit, which is cynicism and pessimism, and stopped trying so hard to be hip and cool and have a swagger. – Emilio Estevez
Matt Walsh When I started doing improv in Chicago, for every five teams, one or two would have one woman. – Matt Walsh
Marcello Giordani When you’re insecure about your technique, you close yourself off. Your shoulders tighten. The first thing, you should open your body and sing. Be happy. Sing real vowels, real Italian vowels. When you’re learning a good way to sing technically, you find it’s very easy to sing well. – Marcello Giordani
ExperienceJames Wan For me and my films, I want my audience to experience cinema in its full glory. It’s not just visual, it’s audio as well. It’s emotional, and I want you to be engaged with not just the scene but with the characters. – James Wan
Mohan Sithara Although I wasn’t fond of the violin in the beginning, as I played on I developed a fondness which soon turned into a passion. – Mohan Sithara
Kasie Hunt You may not be the best person in the room or the smartest or most experienced, but you can still control how hard you work on a project, and that’s a quality that can really come through. – Kasie Hunt
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