James A Michener I was brought up in the great tradition of the late nineteenth century: that a writer never complains, never explains and never disdains. – James A Michener Brought Quotes Century Quotes Complains Quotes Disdains Quotes Explains Quotes Late Quotes Nineteenth Quotes Tradition Quotes Writer Quotes I am the product of the American education system. It is a system that has always been on the lookout for bright boys and girls. It spotted me when I was 14, and I owe a tremendous debt to my alma mater. I think the crucial thing in the writing career is to find what you want to do and how you fit in. What somebody else does is of no concern whatever except as an interesting variation.
Audrey Tautou I like the light that comes off metal shutters at siesta time in the summer, having a break from driving in the shops at motorway services, the odour of petrol at petrol stations, rolling down little slopes. I hate it when you tread in a puddle and the water soaks your socks. – Audrey Tautou
Mark Billingham In America, they have specialist mystery book stores with whole sections devoted to cat mysteries, golf mysteries, quilting mysteries. It’s a hugely broad genre from the darkest noir to tales of a 19th-century vet who solves crimes, thanks to his talking cat. – Mark Billingham
Jenny Zhang I think it was really important for me before I ‘debuted myself’ in front of the world to have a private life with my imagination and my writing for several years. That also made it so I didn’t feel desperate for someone to find me. – Jenny Zhang
John Maeda There is a construct in computer programming called ‘the infinite loop’ which enables a computer to do what no other physical machine can do – to operate in perpetuity without tiring. In the same way it doesn’t know exhaustion, it doesn’t know when it’s wrong and it can keep doing the wrong thing over and over without tiring. – John Maeda
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