Keith Allen I was brought up on stuffed hearts, cabbage and mashed potatoes. It’s repulsive, when I look back – I used to go to the butchers to get Mum’s sausages, and I would cut one off and squeeze the inside of it straight into my mouth. Insane! – Keith Allen Brought Quotes Butchers Quotes Cabbage Quotes Cut Quotes Hearts Quotes Insane Quotes Mashed Quotes Mouth Quotes Mums Quotes Potatoes Quotes Repulsive Quotes Sausages Quotes Squeeze Quotes Straight Quotes Stuffed Quotes Growing up we were very working-class; you had dinner at 12, then tea at 4:30. If you got supper, you were doing bloody well. I’d done performance art sporadically from about 1976 – very personal street things on my own. Acting seemed like a natural step from that. But I didn’t really want to ‘be’ anything: presenter, comic, actor. I just wanted to perform.
Recep Tayyip ErdoganReligion Islam is a religion. It is not an ideology. For a Muslim, there is no such thing as to be against modernity. Why should a Muslim not be a modern person? I, as a Muslim, fulfill all the requirements of my religion, and I live in a democratic, social state. – Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Roy Price Traditionally, there’s been a desire to make shows relatable so the maximum number of people would think of those characters as being recognizably like them. The risk there is you can push everything in a somewhat generic direction. – Roy Price
Shenaz Treasury Road trips are amazing because you get to see the true India from a street level and interact with people from different states that have so much pride in their local heritage, food, and customs. – Shenaz Treasury
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