Lil Tracy I was definitely super rebellious, and my music is that. – Lil Tracy Music Quotes Rebellious Quotes Super Quotes I use my music to kind of lead my feelings. I feel like if I make a happier sound, I will be happier. Shame,’ really it was about people from my hometown who just spread hate about me and just aren’t nice to me. And I just felt like that was a shame, so that’s really what that stems from.
Daphne Zuniga You don’t have to save the world, but you can be in the world-that’s where the beauty comes from. – Daphne Zuniga
Anton Seidl America does not need gorgeous halls and concert rooms for its musical development, but music schools with competent teachers, and many, very many, free scholarships for talented young disciples who are unable to pay the expense of study. – Anton Seidl
Sarah Jones I’ve actually always started with what feels most natural. Which is, the people who surround me in my daily life. So, the first show I ever wrote, which is called ‘Surface Transit,’ was based in part on people I knew from my family. Co-workers, ex-boyfriends. All of that kind of thing. – Sarah Jones
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