Henry Winkler I was dyslexic and didn’t know it until I was 31. Couldn’t do math, spell, or tell left from right – left was the elbow that stuck out the window while I drove. – Henry Winkler Drove Quotes Dyslexic Quotes Elbow Quotes Left Quotes Math Quotes Spell Quotes Stuck Quotes Window Quotes It was a very difficult time, 1984. ‘Happy Days’ ended. I said, ‘There’s no way I can be a producer.’ My attorney said, ‘You’ll learn.’ The first thing we sold was the ‘MacGyver’ television series. We shot 139 episodes between 1985 and 1992. It’s truly unbelievable, the tenacity of life.
Lana If people know anything about Russians, we do things really over the top. We wear high heels everywhere. We show up in the most extravagant outfits. I am just embodying how I was raised and what I grew up in. Some people might think we’re extra; I just think we’re ravishing. – Lana
Evel Knievel The most important thing in life is, if you have a dream, I mean a real good dream, follow it. – Evel Knievel
Robert C O'Brien President Trump reversed the previous administration’s disastrous policy of appeasing Cuba and has implemented a vigorous sanctions regime against Nicaragua. Our hope is that the people of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua will one day live in democracies like the rest of their neighbors. – Robert C O’Brien
Kelly Lynch In their 30s women really start to live… they’re not children anymore, and they’re not just mothers. – Kelly Lynch
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