Lita Ford I was eleven and I wanted to play it because it was in my blood. It was a feeling I couldn’t deny. – Lita Ford Blood Quotes Deny Quotes Feeling Quotes Play Quotes I worked at the cosmetic counter at a fine department store. Joe Walsh is a great guy and and an unbelievable talent, I’d like to work with him again someday.
Shannon Walker When I became an astronaut, I knew I wanted to pursue long-duration flight aboard the station. I knew it would be a just a tremendous personal challenge, and I looked forward to it. – Shannon Walker
DadFathers DayJim DeMintMom One of the greatest titles in the world is parent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad. – Jim DeMint
Ezra Furman People get stigmatised for their bodies and for their differences. Then those people become very vulnerable. – Ezra Furman
Jonathan Krisel I know comedy; I know how to do crazy, off-the-wall stuff that makes me laugh out loud. – Jonathan Krisel
Casey Kasem I probably would be continuing to do voice-overs, continuing to do cartoon shows, and at the same time I’d probably be on a sitcom or a dramatic television show. – Casey Kasem
T J Watt Our parents instilled in us a sense of community and how it takes a village to raise a family. – T J Watt
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