Gabriela Sabatini I was feeling a lot of confidence, so I wanted to take advantage of that and keep playing. – Gabriela Sabatini Advantage Quotes Confidence Quotes Feeling Quotes Lot Quotes Playing Quotes I was formerly so stuck into plans. I can now live more spontaneously. This I want not yet to give away. I was a very shy and introverted person, and it was hard for me to talk to people and make relationships.
Bradley Walsh To do a train wreck and make it look real on screen is tremendously skilful. – Bradley Walsh
Kameron Hurley Half the world is full of women, but it’s rare to hear a narrative that doesn’t speak of women as the people who have things done to them instead of the people who do things. More often, women are talked about as a man’s daughter. A man’s wife. – Kameron Hurley
Howard NemerovPoetry It may be said that poems are in one way like icebergs: only about a third of their bulk appears above the surface of the page. – Howard Nemerov
David CrystalSociety Bilingualism lets you have your cake and eat it. The new language opens the doors to the best jobs in society; the old language allows you to keep your sense of ‘who you are.’ It preserves your identity. With two languages, you have the best of both worlds. – David Crystal
Kevin Knox Playing quarterback you have to have quick reactions. You’ve got to be able to know pretty much everything that’s going on on the field, lateral quickness, lateral movements in the pocket. – Kevin Knox
Lindsey Stirling My favorite thing about the success I’ve found is that I get to share it with my family and the ones that I love. – Lindsey Stirling
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