Christopher Monckton I was for many years myself a journalist and it is not appropriate to say a programme should not be broadcast. – Christopher Monckton Broadcast Quotes Journalist Quotes Programme Quotes I’ve never gone around bashing homosexuals, and I am not homophobic. Nothing surprises me about the Lords.
Harold Brodkey Almost the first thing I did when I became ill was to buy a truly good television set. – Harold Brodkey
Ryan EggoldTeacher I think all of us could play the teacher because we all grew up with teachers. It’s just kind of this peeking-over-the-shoulder presence that we’ve all grown up knowing. – Ryan Eggold
Jonathan Kozol Now, I don’t expect what I write to change things. I think I write now simply as a witness. This is how it is. This is what we have done. This is what we have permitted. – Jonathan Kozol
Anthony McCarten You can’t write a character more brilliant than yourself. It’s just not physically possible. – Anthony McCarten
Jane Lindskold Readers are always surprised to learn that authors have little or no input regarding the cover art for their books. – Jane Lindskold
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem Compared to some of our neighbours, it’s not frowned upon to be a mother and work in France. – Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
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