Jim Davis I was in and out of comas until I was nine and I would lose entire days and weeks. The novelty of being able to really do stuff hasn’t worn off – I still feel like I’m making up for lost time. – Jim Davis Comas Quotes Days Quotes Entire Quotes Feel Quotes Lose Quotes Lost Quotes Novelty Quotes Stuff Quotes Time Quotes Weeks Quotes Worn Quotes Usually I commit to something in my head and then I start drawing. I’m still a farm boy at heart. If I hadn’t suffered from asthma as a child, I would be a farmer today.
Lindy Booth I am a lip person. I constantly need a really good lip moisturizer with me. Mine is a Clairin’s moisture replenishing lip balm. I have two of them: I have one I keep next to my bed, so it’s the first and last thing in the morning and evening, and then 10 times a day in my purse. – Lindy Booth
Christopher McCulloch I hate hearing me talk when I’m not in character, and I can barely deal with hearing me as a character. – Christopher McCulloch
Jon Ossoff One of the rules of running for Congress is no matter where you go, you speak like you’re speaking to the whole district. – Jon Ossoff
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