Elijah Cummings I was in special ed, but I felt like I was a caged bird. I felt like I could do better. I made sure I mastered my special ed lessons. I made sure I listened to my teacher. I made sure I did my homework, but I had to do a little extra. – Elijah Cummings Bird Quotes Caged Quotes Extra Quotes Homework Quotes Lessons Quotes Listened Quotes Mastered Quotes Special Quotes Teacher Quotes When I became a lawyer, no one asked me if I had spent some time in special ed. All they wanted was a good lawyer. Price gouging for drugs that treat cancer in children is simply unconscionable.
Lori Lightfoot We have a lot of taxpayers in this city who deserve to get every nickel of their tax dollars that they’re entitled to from Washington, and I intend to make that happen. – Lori Lightfoot
Nirmal Purja We’ve climbed in 60- to 75-kilometer-an-hour wind conditions without ropes, and yes we put in fixed lines when we can because of the safety. But it’s all calculated risk and you have to be so flexible in doing this project, and that’s why we’ve been so successful. We always climb with what we have. – Nirmal Purja
Paul G Tremblay When you trust your subconscious enough to put something in a story and then figure out why it really needed to be there later, when that works out, aye, that’s the stuff. – Paul G Tremblay
Dana Boente We encourage whistleblowers to come forward in instances where the government is a victim. – Dana Boente
Shiv Nadar The 1980s were fantastic. This was a time when we were at the peak of our creative work. The question of whether we would exist or not – something which everybody used to ask, including ourselves – stopped. Profits kept pace with growth requirements. HCL had credibility – that was the biggest barrier we had to break. – Shiv Nadar
Brad FeldSad Having read my share of tell-alls over the year, including some that were passed off as autobiographies, I mostly feel sad – sometimes for the writer and sometimes for all the people in his way. I hope that the process of writing the tell-all gives some release and closure on what clearly was an unpleasant and unfulfilling life experience. – Brad Feld
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