Cuba GoodingJr I was in the wilderness of Hollywood for almost ten years. I was off the studio lists. I wasn’t getting the roles offered to actors that hadn’t done a third of the roles I had done or had the popularity I had. – Cuba Gooding, Jr Actors Quotes Cuba Gooding Quotes Hollywood Quotes Lists Quotes Offered Quotes Popularity Quotes Roles Quotes Studio Quotes Wilderness Quotes When you’re watching a movie and find yourself getting emotional, it’s because you’re bringing something personal to the images. It’s the same thing with acting. You’re bringing the essence of your core emotional being to that moment. I don’t choose parts. I choose filmmakers. I’m done trying to make a statement with a character. What happens is, I craft a performance from the beginning to the end of the character. Then I release it to the director, and he interprets what I gave him.
Marcy Kaptur I believe America’s chief strategic vulnerability is our dependence on imported petroleum. – Marcy Kaptur
Jimmy Fallon When I see professional clowns, mimes, or people who makes ballon animals, I think of their relatives and how disappointed they must be. – Jimmy Fallon
Ishita Dutta I know how things function in showbiz and how much hard work is required to make a mark in this industry. – Ishita Dutta
Emanuel Celler The panic of the Depression loosened my inhibitions against being different. I could be myself. – Emanuel Celler
Keith Urban I think it took me a while to convince Nashville that what I do is genuine and my heart’s in the right place, and I love country music. – Keith Urban
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