Saint Bernard I was made a sinner by deriving my being from Adam; I am made just by being washed in the blood of Christ and not by Christ’s ‘words and example.’ – Saint Bernard Adam Quotes Blood Quotes Christ Quotes Christs Quotes Deriving Quotes Sinner Quotes Washed Quotes A man who prides himself on being better than his fellow-men thinks it a disgrace if he does not do something more than they do, whereby his superiority may be apparent. There are people who go clad in tunics and have nothing to do with furs, who nevertheless are lacking in humility. Surely humility in furs is better than pride in tunics.
Nelson Algren I don’t think the isolation of the American writer is a tradition; it’s more that, geographically, he just is isolated, unless he happens to live in New York City. But I don’t suppose there’s a small town around the country that doesn’t have a writer. – Nelson Algren
Cush Jumbo I started working on stage as a dancer when I was four; by 14 or 15, I knew I wanted to study the craft of acting. – Cush Jumbo
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