Nick Kroll I was never a western guy, but I happened upon ‘Tombstone’ one day on TV and was really sort of taken with it. It’s one of those movies that, if it’s on TV, I can’t turn it off. I just have to watch the whole thing. – Nick Kroll Day Quotes Guy Quotes Happened Quotes Movies Quotes Sort Quotes Tombstone Quotes Watch Quotes Western Quotes In, like, seventh or eighth grade every day after school, my friend Andrew and I would watch ‘Wayne’s World.’ And I think it’s a great example of a sketch effectively turned into a movie and a story that really works with a good journey. Not easily accomplished, but such a good journey. I find Spike Jones’ movies to be really very inventive and funny, but they’re really sad and touching and really key into the different facets of the human experience.
Bertie Carvel It might sound glib, but in a sense, as an actor I’m a journalist and a psychologist recording life and truth. – Bertie Carvel
Anibal Acevedo VilaHistory Nobody can doubt Puerto Rico, sociologically, linguistically, culturally, and historically, is a nation. We have our own rich culture, thousand years of history, unique territory, and almost everyone’s first language is Spanish, not English. – Anibal Acevedo Vila
Lorraine Toussaint I hope that whenever my daughter has a negative experience, I’m there to talk about it and remind her how we feel when it’s done to her so that she doesn’t do it to others. – Lorraine Toussaint
Jason Schreier Kickstarter can get customers invested, both literally and figuratively, in a game before it is released. With nothing but an idea, a bit of video and a few screenshots, a developer can start building a loyal fan base. – Jason Schreier
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