Patricia Routledge I was never an ingenue, thank God; always character. – Patricia Routledge Character Quotes God Quotes Ingenue Quotes I didn’t make a decision not to be married and not to be a mother – life just turned out like that because my involvement in acting was so total. I had a voice – I had an instrument – I loved singing and I had an inspired singing teacher, Miss Sleigh. I went to her every Saturday, and I now possess the upright Steinway piano beside which I used to stand in fear and trembling if I hadn’t done my breathing exercises.
Marvin DavisTravel There’s no need to travel further. The Los Angeles area is big enough for us. – Marvin Davis
DietMalin Akerman I’m gluten intolerant, so that automatically cuts carbs from my diet. – Malin Akerman
Jenna Wortham As digital culture becomes more tied to the success of the platforms where it flourishes, there is always a risk of it disappearing forever. – Jenna Wortham
Louis KronenbergerRelationship The closer and more confidential our relationship with someone, the less we are entitled to ask about what we are not voluntarily told. – Louis Kronenberger
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