Derek Trucks I was nine when I bought my first guitar at a garage sale. – Derek Trucks Bought Quotes Garage Quotes Guitar Quotes Sale Quotes You hope to catch the band on a good night and you hope that it sounds good when you hear the tapes back, and you hope that when you mix it you still have the feeling that you had when you were onstage, but it seems like it never quite works out that way! Slide can sound like the most beautiful woman’s voice.
Peter Maurer Every year, we ask our donors to dig deeper. And every year, they gladly, generously comply. It is now up to us to find ways and means to forestall the day when they cannot – or will not. Or the consequences for people in war zones could be disastrous. – Peter Maurer
Jim Crace I felt that, in some ways, my novels lacked heart because of the distance between me and the subject matter. But no one wants to read a book based on good health, a happy upbringing, a long marriage. – Jim Crace
Larry Gagosian I’m not in the luxury-goods business. I sell unique objects. I wish I was in luxury goods because then I could just call the factory and say, ‘I need 10,000 more of whatever.’ But I can’t – because then it’s not art, it’s something else. – Larry Gagosian
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