Jordi Alba I was only 15 when I left Barcelona to do my own thing. Luckily, after some years, they have signed me again. – Jordi Alba Barcelona Quotes Left Quotes Luckily Quotes Signed Quotes When you do things wrong you realise it yourself. You don’t need anyone to tell you. If it were up to me, I would stay at Barcelona all my life. But it does not depend on me but on what the club wants.
Billy Porter Just because you’re working does not mean you’re making money. That’s two very different things in show business. – Billy Porter
Shailene Woodley I’d like to be like a hummingbird. You see them every now and then. You don’t see them everywhere. – Shailene Woodley
Chris StapletonThankful Anytime that another artist or a critic that is well-respected says something nice about you, you’re always thankful and hope that you can live up to that. – Chris Stapleton
Judith Viorst My mother was a huge, huge reader. I think I picked up very early how precious it was to write things in books and have people like my mother glued to the page. – Judith Viorst
MoviesTony Curtis I’ve made 122 movies, and I daresay there’s a picture of mine showing somewhere in the world every day. – Tony Curtis
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