Joely Fisher I was raised with Eddie Fisher as a father and Connie Stevens as a mother. – Joely Fisher Connie Quotes Eddie Quotes Father Quotes Fisher Quotes Mother Quotes Raised Quotes Stevens Quotes I always thought that I would have a recording career. People really feed on someone else’s tragedies or problems.
Jacob Artist I was always singing to myself, but I never ever performed, and I never told anyone I liked to sing. So it was a definitely a new adventure going in to audition for ‘Glee.’ – Jacob Artist
Jay McInerney I certainly think that the publishing houses have to learn more about this informal network of literary blogging and get over the idea that sending an author on a book tour – to Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles – is a successful model anymore. – Jay McInerney
Joel Grey If you don’t tell the whole truth about yourself, life is a ridiculous exercise. – Joel Grey
Rivaldo When you get onto the ball, people think three or four times before deciding whether to try and tackle you. Your opponents respect you, and your markers give you a couple of metres of space. – Rivaldo
Chad Gilbert I’ve been badly shocked before. I grabbed the mic to talk – it was near an outlet and there was water. I got shocked, and the jolt went from my head to my feet, shutting down my body and I just passed out. My friends woke me up and took me to the hospital. – Chad Gilbert
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