Phil Lord I was short until my senior year. It’s just, like, your social status is so dependent on how quickly you hit puberty, basically. – Phil Lord Basically Quotes Dependent Quotes Hit Quotes Puberty Quotes Senior Quotes Short Quotes Social Quotes Status Quotes One of the things that has proven true in our career is that even if you take something that’s as straightforward and classic as a father-son story, you can express it in a way that’s totally unique to you. You can’t play not to lose. You kind of have to put your ego aside and accept the fact that careers are long, and there’s gonna be stuff people like and stuff that people don’t like, and you try to get better every time, and always put something out that you’re proud of. And let the chips fall where they may.
Justin Lee One thing I’m working on is an episodic web series titled ‘One Warm Night.’ It’s a kinda crazy, quirky series, filled with a lot of misfits, oddballs… ninjas. – Justin Lee
Matthew Ramsey It’s fun to dress up and look good. And it’s fun to try on clothes and wear a different jacket every night. It also helps you on stage to feel like you belong there. – Matthew Ramsey
Rosemary Mahoney One of the most persistent misconceptions about blindness is that it is a curse from God for misdeeds perpetrated in a past life, which cloaks the blind person in spiritual darkness and makes him not just dangerous, but evil. – Rosemary Mahoney
Elie Metchnikoff The old age of lower mammals presents characters similar to those found in man. – Elie Metchnikoff
Jacob Collier Making music with other people feeds spontaneity, and lends ideas to your solo work. – Jacob Collier
Jacob Latimore One of my first big shows, I opened up for Chris Brown; I was about 10 years old, and Chris Brown was just big; he still is one of my idols now. – Jacob Latimore
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