Ryne Sandberg I was taught you never, ever disrespect your opponent or your teammates or your organization or your manager and never, ever your uniform. – Ryne Sandberg Disrespect Quotes Manager Quotes Opponent Quotes Organization Quotes Taught Quotes Teammates Quotes Uniform Quotes Hit a home run – put your head down, drop the bat, run around the bases, because the name on the front is more – a lot more important than the name on the back. I was in awe every time I walked on to the field.
Archie SheppPoetry In rap music, even though the element of poetry is very strong, so is the element of the drum, the implication of the dance. Without the beat, its commercial value would certainly be more tenuous. – Archie Shepp
Julia Holter I’m happy that I worked alone on ‘Tragedy,’ but it’s obvious that I was trying to create something much bigger than I could do on my own. – Julia Holter
Anna Chlumsky I don’t let it bother me too much if someone doesn’t like me. I just figure there’s no accounting for taste. It’s not me, it’s my acting. It’s like if someone doesn’t like someone’s food, they just don’t like my acting. – Anna Chlumsky
Colin Angle People are fascinated by robots because they’re machines that can mimic life. – Colin Angle
Dan Hill Woody Allen movies notwithstanding, therapy, in the early eighties, was not exactly a hot conversation starter. Nor was it a favoured activity for dysfunctional couples or suffering individuals. – Dan Hill
ChanceJeff Fisher It’s all about giving yourself a chance to win the opener, and then after that, you focus in on Week 2. – Jeff Fisher
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