Jackie Fuchs I was the bass player in the ’70s all-female rock band the Runaways. – Jackie Fuchs Allfemale Quotes Band Quotes Bass Quotes Player Quotes Rock Quotes Runaways Quotes It’s just nice to be known for something that I feel like I did, as opposed to something that happened to me. Let’s face it – how many things are there to say to game show contestants to fill the spaces between questions, especially after one has hosted some 8,000 episodes of the same show?
Eduardo Paes In Rio we built a Center of Operations, a situation room that gathers information from municipal departments and allows us to manage and help decision-making. I can check the weather, the traffic and the location of city’s waste collection trucks. Each of 4,000 buses in the city has a camera connected to the situation room. – Eduardo Paes
ArtGodGreatMalcolm Muggeridge Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message. – Malcolm Muggeridge
Sonny Mehta I have nothing but regret that I cannot continue to behave the way I behaved all my life, and I can’t wait for a chance to behave immoderately again. – Sonny Mehta
Raphael Varane I remember that in 2017, when we won everything, we started the pre-season badly, with defeats. – Raphael Varane
Lance Loud In retrospect, the most unnerving aspect of being openly gay was that it turned out to be as disappointingly normal as being straight. – Lance Loud
Max Heindel It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving Sun is in its exaltation sign Aries or Leo, its home, for then we enter the sea of life on the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of existence by an abundant fund of vim and energy. – Max Heindel
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