Lykke Li I was totally romanticizing the idea of Los Angeles when the Doors, Joni Mitchell, and Neil Young were hanging out there. – Lykke Li Angeles Quotes Doors Quotes Hanging Quotes Idea Quotes Joni Quotes Los Quotes Mitchell Quotes Neil Quotes Romanticizing Quotes Totally Quotes The first thing you do when you get off tour is let off some steam and, you know, have some type of big breakdown. I’m from Sweden, so I don’t enjoy winter at all; there’s nothing cute about it.
Sohla El-Waylly When you knead youre not only developing the gluten, but youre also lining up those gluten strands into an orderly structure thats strong and tight. – Sohla El-Waylly
Lafcadio Hearn It has been wisely observed by the greatest of modern thinkers that mankind has progressed more rapidly in every other respect than in morality. – Lafcadio Hearn
Anthony McCarten I still present myself as a New Zealander, answering people’s questions about New Zealand and contributing in my own unlikely way to the global perception that Kiwis can and do fly high. – Anthony McCarten
Ira Sachs You can understand why good publicists go on to run distribution companies: because the creativity involved is complex and nuanced. – Ira Sachs
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