Don Winslow I was very influenced by films and books like ‘Serpico,’ ‘The French Connection,’ and ‘Prince of the City.’ They were some of the reasons I became a crime writer. – Don Winslow Books Quotes City Quotes Connection Quotes Crime Quotes Films Quotes French Quotes Influenced Quotes Prince Quotes Reasons Quotes Serpico Quotes Writer Quotes My earliest influence was Shakespeare – I read Shakespeare incessantly as a kid. I used to joke that my next book would be about puppies that have lost a chew toy, and everywhere they went, people were nice and gave them things until they found the chew toy.
Colm Wilkinson There have been lots of attempts to make a movie of ‘Les Miserables’ over the years. – Colm Wilkinson
Douglas Booth It’s important to read as much as you can because you never know when you will find the best script that you want to do next. I’m always quite picky in what I read and what I go for. – Douglas Booth
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