Min Jin Lee I was very interested in history, but I also thought, you know, history is not that interesting sometimes, and it can feel a bit medicinal. – Min Jin Lee Bit Quotes Feel Quotes History Quotes Medicinal Quotes I think that what’s bizarre to me about life is that sometimes you have to have everything taken away before you experience grace or before you actually recognize that grace can happen to you. I do have love for Japan. At the same time, I have a complex relationship with Japan because I’m Korean. But I think it shows the strength of a country when you can talk about the past transparently.
Shaffi Mather The TED Fellowship exposed me to a set of youngsters who had wilder ideas than I did – and almost all of them were pursuing their wild and crazy ideas without fear of failure. – Shaffi Mather
Eddie Alvarez It’s hard when you win the title to not think, ‘I’m here. Now what do I do?’ – Eddie Alvarez
Cara Delevingne This modeling thing, it’s pretty easy, but actually it’s also really tough. – Cara Delevingne
Billy Collins I first came across ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ in college, with other anthologized poems by Yeats. – Billy Collins
Bruno Fernandes You don’t want your rivals at the same level as you, or with the same amount of trophies as you. – Bruno Fernandes
Barry Levinson First of all, just to get Diner made would have been an achievement in that I got a chance to direct. – Barry Levinson
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