Loudon Wainwright III I wasn’t in a lot of rock and roll bands. I was in jug bands and things when I was in school. – Loudon Wainwright III Bands Quotes Jug Quotes Lot Quotes Rock Quotes Roll Quotes School Quotes When you have a song on the radio your career and your life changes maybe for the better and maybe for the not so good… depending on how it’s going that day. I always wanted to be an actor, even as a little kid. So I went to drama school in the late ’60s at Carnegie Mellon.
Mario Andretti I wish we could be 100% shielded from danger, but nothing is in life. – Mario Andretti
Sebastian Stan I’ve been in so many crazy experiences in my life. I was always moving when I was a kid. When I look back, it’s hard for me not to feel that certain things just happen for a reason. – Sebastian Stan
Jack Nicholson The average celebrity meets, in one year, ten times the amount of people that the average person meets in his entire life. – Jack Nicholson
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