Justin Thomas I wasn’t mad, but it was maybe a little frustrating sometimes seeing some friends and peers my age do well. Not because I wasn’t cheering for them – because I feel like I was as good as them. – Justin Thomas Age Quotes Cheering Quotes Feel Quotes Friends Quotes Frustrating Quotes Mad Quotes Peers Quotes When I’m playing bad, I need to just hit the green.
Maurice Sendak I write books that seem more suitable for children, and that’s OK with me. They are a better audience and tougher critics. Kids tell you what they think, not what they think they should think. – Maurice Sendak
Paul Thomas Anderson I always had a dream about trying to make a movie that had no dialogue in it, that was just music and pictures. I still haven’t done it yet, but I tried to get close in the beginning. – Paul Thomas Anderson
Mary Katharine Ham I love the Second Amendment’s protections, and like many law-abiding citizens of the U.S., cherish the right it enshrines for my family to have a means to protect itself. – Mary Katharine Ham
Julia Restoin Roitfeld I’m inspired by all those women in the ’60s – they look so put-together and cool at the same time, and they all were moms – moms and career women. I do wear heels, though. Pretty much always. I need to feel good about myself, so even if it’s casual, I’ll slip them on. – Julia Restoin Roitfeld
Rob Delaney In high school, I definitely fancied myself an intense guy, which is so lame. – Rob Delaney
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