BusinessGuler Sabanci I wear two hats. The one is business and increasing my shareholders’ value; the other is social responsibility. – Guler Sabanci Business Quotes Hats Quotes Increasing Quotes Responsibility Quotes Shareholders Quotes Social Quotes Wear Quotes Don’t simply retire from something; have something to retire to. A bankruptcy judge can fix your balance sheet, but he cannot fix your company.
Anna Quindlen If you want something, it will elude you. If you do not want something, you will get ten of it in the mail. – Anna Quindlen
Edward Conard We have to make sure that the banks pay every nickel of loan losses that they create, but we don’t want to hold them responsible for withdrawals if we want the economy to recover. – Edward Conard
Isaac Bashevis Singer A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is – full of surprises. – Isaac Bashevis Singer
Cory Gardner This isn’t a Republican issue. This isn’t a Democrat issue. This is something that both parties and people around the country have agreed to. They don’t want Guantanamo Bay detainees in the United States. – Cory Gardner
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