Jillian Hervey I went through so many phases when I was young – surfer girl, tom boy, punk – but they weren’t mistakes, just moments. – Jillian Hervey Boy Quotes Girl Quotes Mistakes Quotes Moments Quotes Phases Quotes Punk Quotes Surfer Quotes Tom Quotes I love vintage Chanel and Prada. When I was growing up, my mum had a Prada backpack, which she’s now given to me. I love it because it reminds me of when I was little. I think I’m confident because I’m free, I challenge myself, and I stick to what I do.
Pete Buttigieg When people are economically or socially dislocated, they are always more vulnerable to being radicalized. – Pete Buttigieg
A J Green I just try to go about my business, love the game, prepare every week and play football. – A J Green
Patricia Riggen The only thing I have is instinct and intuition and just staying very, very connected to the moments and try to bring in what your gut is telling you. – Patricia Riggen
Sam Graves America is a collection of people from different races, religions, and backgrounds – that is part of what makes us great. But a common language is what brings all of those people together to form a community. – Sam Graves
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