Ray Fearon I went to the RSC, and I became a leading actor. – Ray Fearon Actor Quotes Leading Quotes Rsc Quotes Anything that brings people to see Shakespeare is fine by me. He’s the great humanist. Great actors – it’s got nothing to do with colour.
Alain Dehaze Technology is just one of the factors affecting the world of work. Economics, demographics, sociological trends, and government policies are four other core influences reshaping labour markets and determining how we will work for years ahead. – Alain Dehaze
James Ivory I’ve never had to search for themes. My films just come naturally out of my interest. – James Ivory
Melissa Leo Hire me for the next picture. I don’t have to just play down-and-out trailer trash and mean, old, wicked, old nuns. I could play a princess or a queen. That’s all I wanted to do. Because campaigning does go on. It’s a part of selling the film. – Melissa Leo
Robert Snodgrass My mum has had heart-attacks, a stroke, and it all coincided with me being called up for Scotland so the timing was not good. Thankfully, she is a great woman. – Robert Snodgrass
Margo Martindale And I love having the job to go to every week. With movies, there’s a lot of downtime. I like working, and television really does that. – Margo Martindale
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