EqualityMaureen Reagan I will feel equality has arrived when we can elect to office women who are as incompetent as some of the men who are already there. – Maureen Reagan Arrived Quotes Elect Quotes Equality Quotes Feel Quotes Incompetent Quotes Office Quotes Women Quotes Again, it may be said, that to love justice and equality the people need no great effort of virtue; it is sufficient that they love themselves. It drives me batty that there isn’t more equality in my business.
Dhani Harrison You can’ t help being a musician because you’ve grown up with music, yet being one means being compared to your dad and being slated for it. But I really don’t have the ambitions of most people going into the industry. – Dhani Harrison
Jonas Armstrong Robin Hood is often seen as the hands-on-hips, archetypal, tally-ho hero. But, realistically, the one calling the shots wouldn’t be at the front shouting about it. He’d be the one you don’t expect. – Jonas Armstrong
Ron Wyden Like any business, the oil industry runs on the basic premise of supply and demand. The more supply – the lower the price. The higher the demand – the higher price. In other words, the more people who can buy oil, the higher the price of oil. – Ron Wyden
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