Anand Giridharadas I will not concede for a moment that old privileges should not dwindle. They cannot dwindle fast enough. – Anand Giridharadas Concede Quotes Dwindle Quotes Fast Quotes Moment Quotes Privileges Quotes America has deep, fundamental institutions that take a long time to replicate. Right after college, after growing up in the United States, I moved to India, broadly telling the story of how an old and stagnant country was suddenly waking up. And I came home, back to America, in 2009 after telling that story and writing a book about that.
Peter Straub My first real breakthrough collided with the last months of Callaghan’s Labour government, which had every intention of enjoying my success as much as I did. – Peter Straub
Patti Harrison Being on camera has really rehashed a lot of old feelings, because I dealt with body dysmorphia for a long time. – Patti Harrison
Dick York I took pain pills to get to sleep because I didn’t want to go to work the next day exhausted. – Dick York
Jennifer Jason Leigh I’m a typical middle child. I’m the mediator. The one that makes everything OK, puts their own needs aside to make sure everybody’s happy. It’s hard to change your nature, even with years and years of therapy. – Jennifer Jason Leigh
James Mooney Among the southern tribes, on the contrary, hats were sometimes worn in the dance, although this was not considered in strict accordance with the doctrine. – James Mooney
Lydia Lunch I have to laugh because despite the destruction, we cannot let ‘them’ steal our pleasure. That is always the theme of my performances: I’m here to thrive, not just to survive. – Lydia Lunch
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