Brendan Gill I will try to cram these paragraphs full of facts and give them a weight and shape no greater than that of a cloud of blue butterflies. – Brendan Gill Blue Quotes Butterflies Quotes Cloud Quotes Cram Quotes Paragraphs Quotes Shape Quotes Weight Quotes It is in the nature of the New Yorker to be as topical as possible, on a level that is often small in scale and playful in intention.
John M GrunsfeldSpace The James Webb Space Telescope was specifically designed to see the first stars and galaxies that were formed in the universe. – John M Grunsfeld
Hafthor Bjornsson Maybe after my strongman career, I’ll focus more on acting. Who knows? – Hafthor Bjornsson
Michael Chiesa I’m not the prettiest. I’m not the best, but I win and that’s all that matters in the UFC. – Michael Chiesa
Agnes Obel I have a difficult relationship with jazz. My parents really love it, and I went to a school where jazz was considered the best thing ever, so I had to leave it be for a long time. But now I’m rediscovering it. I’m approaching jazz in a different way. – Agnes Obel
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