John James Audubon I wish I had eight pairs of hands, and another body to shoot the specimens. – John James Audubon Body Quotes Hands Quotes Pairs Quotes Shoot Quotes Specimens Quotes The mercantile business did not suit me. One day I caught four Dolphins, how much I have gazed at these beautiful creatures… as they changed their hue in twenty varieties of richest arrangement of tints.
Susana Martinez Growing up, I never imagined a girl from a border town could one day become a governor. – Susana Martinez
Mona Simpson I suppose ‘My Hollywood’ is only as politically meaningful as it is deeply inside the least powerful of its characters. I wanted it to reveal scenes of subtle exploitation, odd instances of accidental power and challenges to decency specific to its time, but also impulses of generosity that transcend our particular era’s messes. – Mona Simpson
Miguel Ferrer Came to acting pretty late. It looked wonderful, but I guess I was intimidated by my father. I look a bit like him, and he was so much bigger than life and so great, it took me a bit longer than most people to have enough confidence in myself. – Miguel Ferrer
Chris Kirkpatrick I say from my experience that, you know, I have to do my career, and, you know with us, our careers come first, and, you know, anybody we’re with has to take a back seat to that and understand that these are our lives. – Chris Kirkpatrick
Mark Walport The principle of treating cancer is to kill the abnormally dividing cells. Many drugs achieve this in a relatively unselective way, killing any cell that is dividing. – Mark Walport
Aimee Garcia When I was a kid, it wasn’t very often that I could go to the movies and see an entire movie carried on the shoulders of someone who looked like me. – Aimee Garcia
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