Patricia Riggen I wish I had seen some women directing before – that would have given me the idea of who I was. – Patricia Riggen Directing Quotes Idea Quotes Women Quotes It never crossed my mind to be a director, and I’ll tell you why: because I’m a woman. It just didn’t occur to me, but I knew I had to be in film. I went to New York City to Columbia University, and with the first directing exercise, I knew I was a director.
Penelope Lively It was a combination of an intense interest in children’s literature, which I’ve always had, and the feeling that I’d just have a go and see if I could do it. – Penelope Lively
Cathy Engelbert To be sure, technology will change what we do. Tasks that are highly manual, routine, and predictable will be automated. But jobs are made up of many tasks. So the nature of existing jobs will change, and new careers will be created. – Cathy Engelbert
Jean Chretien A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It’s a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it’s because it’s proven. – Jean Chretien
Naomi Watts As much as my kids keep me young, they also have the reverse effect when I don’t have the energy. – Naomi Watts
Jerry Weintraub I find a way to convince people to come along with me. They want to be persuaded. When I sit in a room with you I’m going to sell you something whether you want it or not. At the end you’ll say: ‘I’m glad I bought that.’ – Jerry Weintraub
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