Dave NavarroPatience I wish I was a shredder that could play everything, but I don’t have the patience. – Dave Navarro Patience Quotes Play Quotes Shredder Quotes The creative people I admire seem to share many characteristics: A fierce restlessness. Healthy cynicism. A real world perspective. An ability to simplify. Restraint. Patience. A genuine balance of confidence and insecurity. And most importantly, humanity. You can legislate behavior but you cannot legislate belief. Patience is what it takes. But patience doesn’t mean sitting around on your butt waiting for something to happen.
Elaine Sciolino The Italian Renaissance extends beyond food, of course. Just about every major Italian furniture designer now has a shop in Paris, and Le Bon Marche recently opened an outlet for Santa Maria Novella perfumes, elixirs and soaps from Florence on its ground floor. – Elaine Sciolino
Kay Kay Menon If you want to grow a business, you want to make profit. Only then it is good business. – Kay Kay Menon
Diane Paulus We’re a depraved civilization. All this technology, all the computer games and the iPhones… nobody will sit for art anymore. What a dismaying state of humanity. – Diane Paulus
Patrick Modiano Recently, I looked back at my first manuscripts and was struck by the lack of space, of breath. That’s exactly how it felt, back then… like I was suffocating. – Patrick Modiano
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