Jenny Zhang I wish it wasn’t so natural for me to dwell on the past. – Jenny Zhang Dwell Quotes Natural Quotes As you get older, you realize you’re only the protagonist in your own story and a blip in someone else’s life. I wish I had acted better. I wish I had been the kind of sister who was patient enough to show my brother the proper spelling for ‘Power Rangers.’
Anthony Pratt I have a dream that in the not-too-distant future, Visy Tumut will spend around $100 m to expand our clean energy generation here and take in additional waste forest wood to generate clean renewable energy and sell it into the power grid. – Anthony Pratt
Rohit Shetty I have seen ups and downs. I am 10 films old. People say I have changed. But, I don’t sense any change in myself. If I had to change, I would have changed in my second or third film. – Rohit Shetty
Adam Mansbach The genius of vinyl is that it allows – commands! – us to put our fingerprints all over that history: to blend and chop and reconfigure it, mock and muse upon it, backspin and skip through it. – Adam Mansbach
Sharon Lawrence I’m somebody who takes risks, for better or worse. Fortunately, most of them have been for the better! – Sharon Lawrence
Linda Colley The British especially have no excuse for forgetting that empire is a most complex and persistent beast. And it has claws. – Linda Colley
FitnessRuth Jones I did get a really weird fan letter from a bloke in prison. I think it was when I was doing ‘Fat Friends.’ He said he’d be happy to do an exercise routine for me, to go through a fitness regime for me. I didn’t take him up on the offer… dunno why?! – Ruth Jones
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