Steve Mnuchin I wish the company and its associates all the best as Sears Holdings continues on its transformation. – Steve Mnuchin Associates Quotes Company Quotes Continues Quotes Holdings Quotes Sears Quotes Transformation Quotes Proprietary trading does not belong in banks with FDIC insurance. I have been maligned as taking advantage of others’ hardship in order to make a buck. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Billy Gardell You start realizing that maybe you’re the one night a month that people have out, and they don’t need to hear your political views or how dark you can get. They just want to laugh for an hour and go home. Once I wrapped my head around that, my act evolved accordingly. – Billy Gardell
Hilary Hahn Sometimes I like practicing, sometimes I don’t. But I like the result… I hardly ever get discouraged. Maybe right when it’s very hard to get something done correctly, but then the idea flashes through of how to fix it. And I get encouraged. And other ideas flow. – Hilary Hahn
Stephanie Labbe Sometimes it feels like our mental health is directly linked to our performance on the pitch, and while I understand that it is of course a factor – it’s not the whole picture. – Stephanie Labbe
John le Carre I worked for MI6 in the Sixties, during the great witch-hunts, when the shared paranoia of the Cold War gripped the services. – John le Carre
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