Regina King I would definitely welcome lighter material, but I like to be where the truth lies. – Regina King Lies Quotes Lighter Quotes Material Quotes Truth Quotes I make smart food choices. I love food, especially fish, chicken, and beef. I was married for nine years before my husband and I separated and eventually divorced. Just as I’d watched my parents arguing and fighting, my son watched his parents arguing and fighting. It was like history repeating itself, and I felt terrible about him having to witness that.
Carlos Lopez-Cantera I’ll put my conservative record up against anybody’s record. I have a 10-year career in public service, and I’m proud of the things I’ve been able to accomplish. – Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Owen Farrell You can either let the pressure get to you or let it help it make you better. – Owen Farrell
DesignJohn Sculley Everything at Apple can be best understood through the lens of designing. Whether it’s designing the look and feel of the user experience, or the industrial design, or the system design, and even things like how the boards were laid out. – John Sculley
Sarah Greene I’m not really scared of getting work. I gave up worrying about that a long time ago because there’s no point. I’m very much about living in the moment and taking each day as it comes. – Sarah Greene
Christopher MorleyGoodLearningLife There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning. – Christopher Morley
Aaron Spelling But it’s true, when you see some television, you carry it with you. It’s like 90210. Tell me what young shows were being done then… We were thrilled about the ratings around the world. – Aaron Spelling
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