Chris Jericho I would have to say that Canada definitely produces the best wrestlers; I don’t know why. I think Canada is a big wrestling country, and there are a lot of guys who are interested in wrestling in Canada. – Chris Jericho Canada Quotes Country Quotes Guys Quotes Lot Quotes Produces Quotes Wrestlers Quotes Wrestling Quotes The only person that is going to tell you that you can’t do things in life are people who have failed. I always played hockey, I was always a hockey fan, but I was never bitten by the hockey bug… I never looked into playing it professionally.
Gita Gopinath Fiscal policy should balance growth, equity, and sustainability concerns, including protecting society’s most vulnerable. – Gita Gopinath
Leah Williamson From the first time I kicked a ball for my local team, I knew that was it. This is what I wanted to do. – Leah Williamson
Genevieve Gorder I’m so used to talk-show hosts just giving you a sound bite and not really being interested. – Genevieve Gorder
Miranda Rae Mayo Acting is technically just lying, so I guess I’ve been acting since I was about 7. – Miranda Rae Mayo
Princess Michael of Kent Look, I was taught, and I taught my children, if they ever came back from school saying ‘Oh, so and so’s father’s got a helicopter, it’s not fair,’ I’d say, ‘Fair? Whoever said life had to be fair? Is it fair that you live in Kensington Palace? That you’ve each got a pony? There are an awful lot of kids without a pony, you know.’ – Princess Michael of Kent
Mukul Dev What matters is the quality of your show. In my opinion, numbers will fluctuate but you need to be honest with what you are offering to your audience. There are shows that have super high numbers but then you can’t even sit through those. – Mukul Dev
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