Mickie James I would like to take on Charlotte. That would be fun because I’ve been friends with Ric Flair. He does nothing but brag about her. He is proud of her, as he should be. – Mickie James Brag Quotes Charlotte Quotes Flair Quotes Friends Quotes Fun Quotes Ric Quotes I got into wrestling to be a WWE superstar – that was my goal. I think what GFW is doing is cool and unique. They’re taking some of the talent you’ve seen elsewhere or haven’t had a chance to see before because there’s so much talent everywhere.
Nora Fatehi I’ve always said Moroccan artistes are extremely talented, and the world needs to take notice. – Nora Fatehi
Prabhas I will do films in any of the languages, provided the script is good. The region and the language don’t matter. – Prabhas
Burt Bacharach I was blown away by the standing ovation. I’ve had tributes before, sure, but I don’t retain that feeling, and I wasn’t prepared for it on Tuesday. But maybe you shouldn’t retain these things or you’d be on a permanent high. – Burt Bacharach
Justin Vernon I really have to be in a specific headspace to even begin to illuminate an idea that would create another Bon Iver record, and I’m just not there. – Justin Vernon
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