Ruel I would like to write or make a completely ambient song. – Ruel Ambient Quotes Completely Quotes Song Quotes Write Quotes Ah, it’s just so soothing, and I’d like to make my own. When I listen to ambient music, I’m like ‘Oh, but I would’ve done this here.’ Most of my songs just come from everyday life experiences – they can just be like really small things have happened in day that don’t really have much significance, but I can exaggerate them a lot to make them into this huge universally relatable topic.
Conchita Wurst I am happy being a man in a dress. Some people get confused and think I’m a trans woman, but I’m strict about the difference. What I do is performance, it’s staged, it’s glamour – it’s not real life. But for trans people, being born in the wrong body – there’s nothing glamorous or easy about that. – Conchita Wurst
Evonne Goolagong Cawley I remember I hadn’t bought anything for my Mum for Christmas and I actually won an iron, so I was excited that I could take that home for her. – Evonne Goolagong Cawley
Patrick Carney If you can’t play guitar and sing in Nashville, you might as well just be a construction worker. – Patrick Carney
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