Chadwick Boseman I would love to have an ocean of love right now. That said, the number-one rule of acting is, ‘Do not seek approval from the audience.’ People don’t realize that. You can’t do stuff to get applause. You have to live in the truth. – Chadwick Boseman Acting Quotes Applause Quotes Approval Quotes Audience Quotes Live Quotes Love Quotes Numberone Quotes Ocean Quotes People Quotes Realize Quotes Rule Quotes Seek Quotes Stuff Quotes Truth Quotes I’m an artist. Artists don’t need permission to work. Regardless of whether I’m acting or not, I write. I write when I’m tired in fact, because I believe your most pure thoughts surface. When you play characters, you shouldn’t just be putting on their characteristics – you should be finding it inside yourself.
Chuck Schumer The vast majority of the people employed by Wall Street are the secretary who goes in to work on the Long Island Rail Road, who makes fifty, sixty, seventy thousand dollars a year. – Chuck Schumer
Nathan Sawaya I am confined to the Lego palate. I don’t paint the bricks. I stick with what Lego has made. And the idea behind that is I do want to hopefully inspire kids to go home and create on their own. And if I do, I want them to be able to buy those very same bricks I use. So I don’t alter the bricks; I just use what’s provided. – Nathan Sawaya
Homer Hickam Boeing, LockMart, and hundreds of other companies, large and small, work in the space business, and they also create new techniques and technology; but they’d be nowhere if NASA and the Department of Defense hadn’t shown the way by funding the first big rockets and satellites. – Homer Hickam
Gagan Narang As kids, we have all handled shot guns. From there on, there is no transition. It stays in the toy box. The idea is to get the transition and bridge the gap between the toy box and the shooting range. – Gagan Narang
FamilyNick Vujicic We will fail God, we will fail our family, and our family might fail us at times, but God never fails us. – Nick Vujicic
Joseph Campbell When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness. – Joseph Campbell
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