Natasha Lyonne I would love to option ‘Crying of Lot 49’ and turn it into a movie. – Natasha Lyonne Crying Quotes Lot Quotes Love Quotes Movie Quotes Option Quotes You’ve got to do something with all the books you’ve read, so you might as well imagine you’ve optioned them. As a woman, I’ve learned that having a uniform of your staples or setting your look and saying what distinguishes you – like red lips or hair or whatever – leaves so much time for the rest of the day.
Homaro Cantu We can create any sort of flavor on a printed image that we set our minds to. – Homaro Cantu
Paul Giamatti If I play a more aggressive, stronger guy, I often go through my day feeling a bit better than when I play somebody who’s not. – Paul Giamatti
Robin DiAngelo A fundamental but very challenging part of my work is moving white people from an individual understanding of racism – i.e. only some people are racist and those people are bad – to a structural understanding. – Robin DiAngelo
Chris Eubank Sr I don’t drink in public. I don’t swear on TV. All I want is for people to say Chris Eubank is an all-right guy. – Chris Eubank Sr
Jaimoe Reading music is good for training, getting things done in a hurry. It doesn’t teach you nothing about feeling. – Jaimoe
Layla Moran I have been inspired by the way that Ken Clarke has navigated parliament. I am actively looking across the House for people I really respect and warm to and can learn things from. – Layla Moran
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