Georgina Campbell I would love to say something really cool, because I did film studies. So, like, a Jean-Luc Goddard film – something like that. But I genuinely would love to be in ‘Titanic.’ I’m such a loser. That’s, like, my childhood film. Like, I love it. – Georgina Campbell Childhood Quotes Cool Quotes Film Quotes Genuinely Quotes Goddard Quotes Jeanluc Quotes Loser Quotes Love Quotes Studies Quotes Titanic Quotes Really good leading roles are few and far between, and there is so much competition because there are so many fantastic actresses in this country. I think people in the U.K. should be concerned about the under-representation of BAME actors in TV and Film, because it is an incorrect reflection of our society.
Richard Jefferies Look at another person while living; the soul is not visible, only the body which it animates. Therefore, merely because after death the soul is not visible is no demonstration that it does not still live. – Richard Jefferies
Charles Evans Hughes When we deal with questions relating to principles of law and their applications, we do not suddenly rise into a stratosphere of icy certainty. – Charles Evans Hughes
Lisa Marie Presley I really went back through a lot of the dark corridors of my life in this. I wanted people to know who I am based on my music, not on what they read in the tabloids. – Lisa Marie Presley
Mary Lasker Nobody would have me in their laboratory for five minutes. I couldn’t cut up a frog, and I certainly couldn’t perform surgery. I’m better at making it possible for other people. – Mary Lasker
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